[2017 models] UMIDIGI Crystal V1.0_20170907 ROM - SPFT release

bencebacsi Post time 2017-10-17 07:33:45 | Show all posts |Read mode  Close [Copy link]
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[2017 models] UMIDIGI Crystal V1.0_20170907 ROM - SPFT release

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Post time 2017-10-17 07:33:45 | Show all posts |Read mode
This is the SP Flash Tool release of the
V1.0_20170907 system software
for UMIDIGI Crystal 2GB
This ROM is only for the 2GB version with MT6737T SoC

Flash tool operation is recommended for experienced users only. Do not use it if you cannot understand the whole process!
UMIDIGI Crystal receives all updates automatically via FOTA method. You need this tool only in case of emergency (if you've bricked your phone), if you want to apply a clean install or if you want to clear all root access and custom recovery to make your phone able to receive FOTA updates again.

Not provided

SP Flash Tool

Flashtool tutorials: UMI Forum or androidxda guide or YouTube guide (you can google a lot of other solutions and guides)

ROM: >>>>> full_wtk6737t_66_n-user_20170907.rar <<<<<
Extract the .rar file before use. The scatter file (MT6737T_Android_scatter.txt) is inside the extracted folder, together with the other components

VCOM driver: Windows 10 already automatically can install it or you can use this: MTK_Driver_Auto_Installer_SP_Drivers_20160804.exe

Here's an optional solution to start the flashing process on your UMIDIGI Crystal if the standard method doesn't work.
It's especially useful if your phone is bricked or is stuck in bootloop
1. Connect your UMIDIGI Crystal to USB.
2. Start the flashing process with the Download button in the flasher app.
3. Press and keep pressed the power button of your phone until the flashing process starts (red bar appears at the bottom of the app window), then release it. In this process you have to keep the power button pressed for about 10 seconds.
4. Wait until the flashing process finishes.
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