[2020 models] UMIDIGI BISON-E V1.0 20201224 ROM - SPFT + OTA release

bencebacsi Post time 2021-2-5 07:38:35 | Show all posts  Close [Copy link]
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[2020 models] UMIDIGI BISON-E V1.0 20201224 ROM - SPFT + OTA release

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Post time 2020-12-26 14:51:46 | Show all posts |Read mode
This is the SP Flash Tool + OTA release of the
E V1.0_20201224 system software

European version for EEA countries

Flash tool operation is recommended to experienced users only. If you are not yet an experienced flash tool user, please carefully read the flash tool tutorial before proceeding, and strictly follow each instruction.

Except if an authorized or responsible expert directly asked you to do that,
never format the flash chip of your device or you instantly lose your warranty!

UMIDIGI BISON receives all updates automatically via FOTA method. You need this tool only in case of emergency (if you've bricked your phone), if you want to apply a clean install or if you want to clear all root access and custom recovery to make your phone able to receive FOTA updates again. Moreover, flashing with SPFT is the only option to repair (replace) damaged system software.

  • WiFi connection optimized
  • Gyroscope issue in VR games fixed
  • Flashlight delay in camera fixed
  • Other minor bug fixes and system optimization

FOTA vesion: UMIDIGI_BISON-E_V1.0_20201224

SP Flash Tool

Flashtool tutorial: http://bit.ly/SPFTguide

ROM: >>> UMIDIGI_BISON-E_V1-0_20201224.rar <<<
Extract the .rar file before use. The scatter file (MT6771_Android_scatter.txt) is inside the extracted folder, together with the other components

VCOM driver: Windows 10 can automatically install it. Please make sure that your Windows is logged in with administrator rights and your computer has a working internet connection when first time connecting your phone.

Here's an optional solution to start the flashing process on your UMIDIGI BISON if the standard method doesn't work.
It's especially useful if your phone is bricked or is stuck in bootloop
1. Connect your phone to USB.
2. Start the flashing process with the Download button in the flasher app.
3. Press and hold the power button of your phone until the flashing process starts (red bar appears at the bottom of the app window), then release it. In this process you have to keep the power button pressed for about 10 seconds.
4. Wait until the flashing process finishes.

If you accidentally formatted the flash chip of your phone, visit the following thread: A7, A7S, A7 Pro, A9 Pro, BISON: Repair IMEIs, MEID and Google certificate

OTA (recovery) update
Manual (local) OTA update method instructions
  • Copy the downloaded .zip file to the internal storage of your phone
  • Go to Settings → About phone → Wireless update
  • Tap the 3-dot menu button in the top right corner and select Local Updates
  • Brows for the ...update.zip file and select it
  • Select INSTALL NOW, then OK in the Warning window. Your phone reboots into recovery, the update gets installed, then your phone boots into Android. Your updated system is ready to use.

Update file for manual OTA update:
>>> UMIDIGI_BISON-E_V1.0_20201224_update.zip <<<
It can update version 20201124 only

Optional method (in case if the manual OTA update gets stuck): Install from recovery
You need a microSD card (with at least 4GB capacity) installed in your phone!
  • Copy the ...update.zip file to your SD card.
  • Press and hold the volume-up and power buttons together until your phone boots into Recovery and you see a lying android figure with an exclamation mark in red triangle on its tummy + 'No command'..
  • Press and hold the power and vol-up buttons (in this order) together, then release them to call the recovery menu. Now you can move with both volume buttons, and select an item with the power button.
  • Move to ‘Apply update from SD card’ and select it.
  • On the next screen brows for the update file and select it. The update process will start and needs a few minutes to be finished.
  • After a succcessful installation, you can read the ''Install from SD card complete.'' message and the recovery menu is available again.
  • Select 'Reboot system now'. Alternatively you can perform a factory data reset here by choosing 'Wipe data/factory reset'

Kind request from users:
Please report any kind of new issues you experience after installing this update only if you've already flashed this ROM with SP Flash Tool in Firmware Upgrade mode. In rare cases a FOTA update can cause more or less serious malfunctions but that means only the update process went wrong, not a badly developed ROM. An updated stock ROM, especially related to the basic functions will not cause any new issues but will solve some of the existing ones.







Diamond Member

Rank: 4

Post time 2020-12-29 02:22:43 | Show all posts
-greg- replied at 2020-12-28 16:53
I live in Europe, I have been using A5 PRO for 1.5 years, now I have bought a BISON. Ple ...

Hi -greg- !

There is no difference between the EEA version and the Global version. The global version is fully functional even in Europe without restrictions (confirmed by the administrator in the forum for A5 Pro and tested).
The EU brings together 27 countries, with the same conditions for economic cooperation. I will simply give an example: I buy a mobile phone vio France and I live in Slovakia. In both countries (EU-wide) the warranty period is 2 years. If the goods - the phone breaks down, I can send it to France within the warranty period.
How would it work if I live in the US and send a cell phone to India for repair?
The EEA version means that the mobile phone is intended for the European market.

I exchanged the EEA version for the global version with A5 Pro and without any problems. The manufacturer continues to support only the global version.







Platinum Member

Rank: 3Rank: 3

Post time 2020-12-28 16:53:18 | Show all posts
I live in Europe, I have been using A5 PRO for 1.5 years, now I have bought a BISON. Please tell me what is the difference between the Global and EEA versions. As in A5 PRO, can I change the version to be able to receive earlier and longer updates? What is the purpose of the EEA version?
Thank you very much for help.







New Member

Rank: 1

Post time 2021-1-6 17:39:51 | Show all posts
Дорогая команда поддержки! Отзовитесь кто нибудь. Собираетесь ли вы решать проблему с микрофоном. Множество покупателей жалуются что их не слышно в режиме звонка. Я купил 2 телефона. Один работает хорошо, а у другого проблема с микрофоном.
Хотелось бы услышать ответ от поддержки, ну к примеру, "Потерпите немного", "Мы пытаемся решить проблему, пожалуйста подождите" и тому подобное сообщение. А то в ответ на наши жалобы и стоны - тишина. Складывается впечатление, что производитель работает по принципу "продал и забыл,  и забил, всем до свидания". Да и еще стирают сообщения не приятного характера. Мои потерли.

Dear Support Team! Respond somebody. Are you going to solve the microphone problem. Many buyers complain that they cannot be heard in the call mode. I bought 2 phones. One works well and the other has a microphone problem.
I would like to hear a response from support, well, for example, 'Be patient a little', 'We are trying to solve the problem, please wait' and such a message. Otherwise, in response to our complaints and groans - silence. One gets the impression that the manufacturer is working on the principle of 'sell and forget and score, goodbye to everyone'. And they also erase messages of an unpleasant nature. Mine were rubbed.







New Member

Rank: 1

Post time 2021-1-7 22:29:43 | Show all posts
Please can you fix the problem of the microphone, where in calls I cannot be heard??, But when I record audio, WhatsApp calls if I hear normal, they should give a solution or advise if it is a hardware or software problem This failure is very frustrating, it practically takes away all the good that the bison was promoted with.







New Member

Rank: 1

Post time 2021-1-12 07:41:20 | Show all posts
meu bison so ficar em loop e nao consigo entra no modo reset







New Member

Rank: 1

Post time 2021-1-22 15:12:09 | Show all posts
Hello everyone!
I partially solved the microphone issue. To do this, I completely flashed using the SP Flash Tool V1.0_20201101 system software. After that, OTA update V1.0_20201124_update.zip copied to the phone's disk and updated the firmware. now it remains to call the engineering menu and increase the volume at the necessary points. go to googl how to do it. there are a lot of links. The microphone worked well in the recorder, and a little quiet during phone calls. Give it a try as the support team is not responding.
Good luck to all!







New Member

Rank: 1

Post time 2021-1-30 00:08:34 | Show all posts
estou perdendo minha paciencia, tudo que pediram aqui pra fazer eu fiz. Exatamente tudo, tentei recovery mode por SD CARD, por armazenamento interno, app flash, TUDO, nada resolveu, tentei todas versões disponíveis, nenhuma delas instalou, fala "bad file" quando tento realizar via SD CARD, ou da "error" quando tento por armazenamento interno, e quando tento pelo FLASH ele da erro de "STATUS_DEVICE_CTRL_EXCEPTION" ou "FAiled to get PMT info". não tenho onde mais recorrer. O SUPORTE me mandou procurar a loja que me vender e resolver com eles, isso não resolve meu problema sra. FABRICANTE UMIDIGI.
Meu problema iniciou com o microfone não funcionando apenas em chamadas de video, pediram pra eu instalar a versão 20210126 ultima e fresquinha, e também foi a unica versão que eu consegui instalar via flash app, depois de instalada eu perdi o microfone pra tudo, não consigo fazer chamadas de simcard, nem de whatsapp, nem mandar audio, nem PTT, nem absolutamente nada. Quero voltar outras versões pra tentar resolver o problema.

i'm losing my patience, everything i asked for here i did. Exactly everything, I tried recovery mode by SD CARD, by internal storage, flash app, EVERYTHING, nothing resolved, I tried all available versions, none of them installed, say "bad file" when I try to do it via SD CARD, or "error" when I try for internal storage, and when I try to FLASH it gives an error of "STATUS_DEVICE_CTRL_EXCEPTION" or "FAiled to get PMT info". I have nowhere else to turn. SUPPORT sent me to look for the store that sells me and to solve with them, that does not solve my problem Mrs. UMIDIGI MANUFACTURER.
My problem started with the microphone not working only on video calls, I was asked to install the latest and fresh version 20210126, and it was also the only version I was able to install via the flash app, once installed I lost the microphone for everything, no I can make simcard calls, whatsapp messages, send audio, PTT, or absolutely nothing. I want to go back to other versions to try to solve the problem.







New Member

Rank: 1

Post time 2021-2-4 23:21:21 | Show all posts







Senior Member

Rank: 2

Post time 2021-2-5 07:38:35 | Show all posts
I couldn't open a thread, can it use marvell authoring tools?
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