To install this custom Recovery first thing we will do is download it.
Umi Carliv CWM Recovery For FAIR:
And the latest Rootjoy. We can do it from here:
After downloading the two files are decompressed (I advise having the two together in a folder to have them at hand). In the archive Umi Fair CWM Recovery within two files, it is best descompimirlo in a single folder (Extaer Umi Fair CWM Recovery /) if the only thing we need is CWM Fair.img Umi, the other is only required for installation by Flash Tool.
Once downloaded and then installed all Rootjoy first sight will be the following, and then connect your terminal to the PC and will click on Connect the device
Now Rootjoy be contacting our terminal
Once you recognize the following screen appears us. We click above where it says Tools
And then Root icon recovery
We were open a search window. We tell you where the file CWM Fair.img Umi, what do we select and click Open
Once the recovery we click on the Continue button loaded.
And begins to install the recovery in our UMI Fair
After the installation (very fast) we see confirmation.
To verify that a perfectly installed and without leaving Rootjoy pincharemos in Recovery mode. Our terminal will reboot and can see that the recovery is to set perfectly.