Christmas will bring you Android 7.0 Nougat for your UMi Smartphones! >>> UMi N Plan 2016 <<<
This year, for Christmas, you will find one more gift under your tree if you choose a UMi product! UMi Official has confirmed that Android 7.0 is in testing phase for several UMi products and will be released before the end of this year. They called this the “Android N Plan”, which aims to bring the update to Android N for as much of our products as possible.
This is the first batch of models which are confirmed to receive Android 7.0 Nougat at Christmas Eve!
Further information and achievements will be published here on this page: - Subscribe using the box below to stay updated! If you don’t have any of these devices, here is a good chance to get one Today! UMi Super (in stock): September deals / UMi Max (In stock) : Get $30 off UMi Plus (Presales) : Get $70 off *Please note, the term "Other models" doesn't mean all other models of UMi. If you own or are planning to buy a model other than the three ones listed above, it may or may not receive the Android 7 upgrade in the future. |