UMI eMAX lollipop discussion

bencebacsi Post time 2015-9-30 21:22:52 | Show all posts    Close [Copy link]
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Author: bencebacsi

UMI eMAX lollipop discussion

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Diamond Member

Rank: 4

Post time 2015-9-30 05:32:31 | Show all posts
Just read for comment... Would have been a good username for you
 Author| Post time 2015-9-30 07:37:41 | Show all posts
Okay, I just read back now. I didn't remember that user called dirtyjeanss, so I didn't understand why you wrote that word. Sometimes I make long discussions with those UMI employees and I wouldn't think that somebody is continuously lying just for fun. dirtyjeanss claimed that, the news about the lollipop development for eMAX is a complete mendacity. Although there're a lot of unanswered questions here, I wouldn't think that's the case.







Senior Member

Rank: 2

Post time 2015-9-30 08:15:42 | Show all posts
Edited by justin9376 at 2015-9-30 08:18 \n\nwell i wont be buying any umi devices again, the after support from them is non existant.  There is no way to contact umi themselves, and to be honest its just another rubbish chinese company that all they care about is getting the devices out the door, and using any means to do so, and not caring about the customer support afterwards, and they wonder why chinese tablet and phone sales in europe and usa have slumped.

If they tried any of their practices in europe or america for that matter, they would be proscecuted tor false advertising, whether its the battery rating, or the camera resolution, or the lollipop upgrade, or 101 different things.

Chinese companies need to up their game if they ever want to get anywhere outside of china.  I for one will be going back to HTC or Sony, or Samsung as they dont try any of these blatent tricks.

The only reason they say Lollipop is still coming, is so that some mugs will carry on buying from them regardless.

Umi is just using people like bencebacsi here to do their jobs for them, and they dont even realise it, as they just want to collect the money and then distance themselves from anyone who buys their product so there is no answerability.

Yes im Peed off, But I preordered this phone before it came out expecting a software upgrade, and looks like i wont be getting one.

If Umi really cared about the situation that they keep putting their customers in, then they would stop using mediatek.
I would rather they told us that they were unable to bring us lollipop.







Senior Member

Rank: 2

Post time 2015-9-30 15:34:35 | Show all posts
I had enough bullshit over the emax. The main feature that made me buy was LTE band 20 followed by the non existant lollipop update. I have reported UMI to the EU trade minister and asked them to investigate how this company is constantly taking money for products that many Europeans would not buy if the specifications had been reported accurately.  I think emax customers should have been offered an exchange or refund after deliberately misleading people.







Senior Member

Rank: 2

Post time 2015-9-30 16:01:58 | Show all posts
If lollipop wont come out, I will never ever again buy anything from UMI!
Post time 2015-9-30 17:02:04 | Show all posts
I find it really useless all statements of those who say they no longer want to buy products Umi,
who continue to make assumptions and guesses about things do not know, that offend and complain all the time. And even I read about threats and maybe some parliamentary question
I believe that this way of participating in a forum is absolutely useless and even annoying.
I am on the opinion that  those who spend little get little.







Platinum Member

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Warmest Heart UMIDIGIerUMIDIGIer

Post time 2015-9-30 17:32:25 | Show all posts
Band 20 was also one of the reasons I bought the emax, but have managed to live without it.  3G in most situations is adequate.  Overall i'm happy with the phone itself, just hate the total lack of professionalism on Umi's behalf.  This is my first phone bought in this way and has been a steep learning curve.  In future I will not buy any Chinese phone on presell.  Instead will wait till released and I have read all the user comments.  I will ignore the fantasyland advertising and go by actual facts.
I can understand people's frustration and commenting as this is their only outlet because there is no way of contacting Umi directly.







Diamond Member

Rank: 4

Post time 2015-9-30 19:19:52 | Show all posts

How much obsessed with using the UMI Emax Lollipop people. Why obsess without knowing how ultimately result? Perhaps we will gain in battery life? As horrible is KitKat who hate this terminal for just that detail? Besides, the 4G connection is the best I've seen so far. Know ye not enjoy what you have, the UMI Emax is the best terminal UMI, even better than the Iron nonsense and just say you know. CARPE DIEM







Senior Member

Rank: 2

Post time 2015-9-30 19:21:31 | Show all posts
WOW! Just reading posts on this forum is making my head spin. I totally understand the frustration.
I bought an emax from banggood which had problems with the buttons so i returned it. I paid a little more and got another from amazon uk.
It has a few flaws, some you can live with, like the camera resolution, inaccurate sensors (try watching a 360 VR video on youtube). But some make the phone totally unreliable, like the ghost touch issues.
There are many plus points, the price, 1080p screen, a decent Antutu score, rootjoy, the thickness...etc.
But for me the ghost touches are too much to deal with, keyboard becomes useless....everything is controlled by touch, its a touch screen phone ffs. And there is no obvious reason as to why it happens.

Phone cost £120, Screen protectors £15 (in attempts to resolve ghost touches), Case/cover £10.
I dont mind paying this if everything works as advertised. But you can see there is a lot of hassle involved.

I wanted to see what the hype was about Chinese smartphones, and now i know, its random luck... They care about quantity over quality...and they have no idea what customer service is and how it impacts company reputation.
What company releases a phone every month.... iron, hammer s, emax mini, fair. This shows they are too busy to deliver on promises made.
Yes you get what you paid for, but I paid for a phone that would be running lollipop in august, a 13mpx camera,  the video records in  

And yes we all want the promised lollipop update, and I really hope you guys get it, even if it happens I expect so many posts on this forum about the issues people are having, like 2g/3g/4g signals not working.....or sd card or camera or force closes on apps.....i plan to avoid all that by just returning my umi emax to amazon for a full refund.

The western smartphone market is now beginning to understand the benefits of mid range devices, not everyone needs qhd/4k screens...
Check out newcomer wileyfox in UK and their flagship Storm. click on the link below, just read the specs and the 3 year warranty and screen repair service...
Compare that to the doogee F5, yes its about £100 cheaper...but you cant put a price on peace of mind ... phone-p-993187.html

Thank you for all the people who regularly post here to help others (bencebacsi), you guys are the closest thing to the voice of UMI even though its unofficial, and for that reason people end up venting their frustrations on you, dont take it personally.

Im about to return my emax and accessories and spending a bit more for a wileyfox storm and closing my umidigi account.








Senior Member

Rank: 2

Post time 2015-9-30 21:22:52 | Show all posts
so is it confirmed that we won't be getting the upgrade?
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