Well the ghost touches started again this morning so i'm done. It's going back to am ...
Dude, maybe you did not understand: I'm a simple user. I have no interest in defending the cause of anyone. Simply use devices Umi smoothly and personal satisfaction.
That's all.
Hope you guys get your upgrade, though it seem ...
Martyn, to me the update does not affect the device is that it is a wonder as it is. Perhaps you mistook the "trolls" with the irony that I try to put to defuse situations.
You're welcome
Hi UMI, i've just cancelled my emax mini preorder and have convinced one of my friends to cancel his as well.
I might not be a popular youtuber with thousands of subscribers but i am still the person people goes to for tech advice within my friends and family. i can assure you nobody i know will ever buy an UMI product.