I can also confirm that the battery drains faster on 7.0 compared to 6.0. Right after the update the drain was really bad, but factory reset seems to have helped quite a lot. But still, with 6.0 I got easily two days of my normal use, now I get easily one day but two days is a real challenge.
I have my screen brightnes set to 6% manual. I have turned off bluetooth and and location, and also bluetooth and wifi scanning. I have scheduled the phone to switch to Sleep profile for 6 hours every night. I have a very modest amount of apps installed and I don't use any widgets. I don't know what more I can do extend battery life.
If the only answer to increased battery drain is "something must use the CPU in the background", I really don't know what it could be and how to chase it. In the battery menu the screen is always on top of the list with a big percentage (44% at the moment), but nothing under that ever shows any extreme numbers.