LTE for US UmiDigi owners?
Edited by Orion2017 at 2017-2-28 13:53 \n\nI sorry to here all the problems people are having with this device, most seem to be software issues, and the popular respsonse issue at the bottem of the screen, I did experience about two updates back, so I've been fortunate. I'm maintaining a post over on XDA, It should help out with driver issues. https://forum.xda-developers.com ... umi-plus-e-t3533243 My only real issue with the device is not having support for LTE band in the US, well limited bands AFAIK only four are supported. I had sold a bunch of these devices on Ebay, but had to refund customers because of this problem. I purchased one and I have some loyal customers who are waitiing to see if a software update will solve this. The device supports LTE, and could probably be straightened out with a flashable radio/modem to support more us band or just include in OTA or something, If I have to buy another device because of this, I will not be happy.