Touchscreen has inverted itself after root attempts - even reapplying this thread's ROM in all methods doesn't fix it. What can I do? D=
EDIT: Had issues writing the original post, here's what I had:
Hey, I applied the update successfully and that was all great for a few hours, working perfectly - and then I tried to root my phone so I could edit the "handheld_core_hardware.xml" to enable proper Daydream / "high performance VR" support.
Following the instructions in this thread to root the phone, somehow the touchscreen no longer works normally - like it's inverted, but the screen is halved or something so I can't get a consistent pattern to navigate anything. I'd touch the bottom of the screen and a press would register at the top, or sometimes at the top of the bottom third of the screen. It's really bizarre. I've seen other posts with users having touchscreen issues after root attempts but I didn't understand or couldn't find their solutions.
To attempt to fix things myself, I've done both microSD-based updates and SPFT updates (trying all options - Download, Firmware Upgrade, Format) again with various versions of UMI Super Nougat (the last beta, and this version) and there's still no change in the issue. What do I do? D=
Things used:
- UMI Super Nougat beta 2 (previous beta thread)
- UMI Super Nougat (this thread's version)
- TWRP_3.02_UMI_SUPER.img (from the general UMI rooting thread linked above)
- SPFT v5.1648 (from this thread)
- MT65x3 USB VCOM drivers (from this thread)
- Auto-installer version of the drivers following an uninstall of the previous drivers (also from this thread)
No updating processes fails, nothing gets stuck, everything works fine and the phone is ready for normal usage (and is unrooted now) - except the touchscreen goes all inverted and weird. That's it. Any assistance would be hugely appreciated!