Edited by FelisCatus at 2017-1-13 14:51 \n\nHi,
my phone found the latest update (V3.01_20161228) yesterday and the update process went smoothly - even if I actually couldn't read any of the description that came with the update as it was all in Chinese. ;-)
There are still some issues, though. Nothing major, but I thought I should mention them here, maybe some of it is fixable:
* I have two Wifi access points here. When moving from one to the other (Wifi roaming) the connection sometimes drops and can't be reestablished for some time. It seems like scanning for Wifi does sometimes still report the "old" AP that I was connected to before. Turning Wifi off and on again helps.
* I use K9 as my primary email app. When the phone is sleeping I can not receive push notifications unless I set K9 sync option to "always". Otherwise K9 reports that sync is turned off. On my previous phones I had it set to "when auto sync is on" and it worked fine. This seems to be a problem specific to this app - others apps that depend on the background sync option being set do not seem to have this problem -, so I guess they have to fix it, but I thought I would mention it.
* WhatsApp very occasionally crashes when I try to correct spelling errors by tapping on them. (I have turned auto correct off.) This may be a problem with the Google keyboard, though. Since they changed its name to "Gboard" I have had some problems with it anyways; I guess I have to check if the problem persists if I use a different keyboard app.
* GPS is OK, better than before, actually. It still takes a somewhat longer time to get a fix and it still is a bit jumpy, placing me several meters off the roads I'm travelling on, but it is nothing like it was before. I actually have the feeling that, the longer I have been using the GPS on the phone, the better it gets. When I first got the phone I reset the GPS using the maintenance mode and that helped a lot. It's still not as accurate as my old phone was, but it is OK for navigation using the Google Maps app now. It sometimes is even precise enough to find geocaches with it (using c:geo)... I guess what I want to say is that the main problem with GPS is that it most of the time is somewhat optimistic about the precision: It almost always reports something like 5 meters accuracy when in fact it is more like 10 or 20 meters. But again, it is not like it was in the beginning when I got the phone, when it almost never reported the correct position and lost the signal a lot.
All in all I would like to say that this ROM is an improvement over the last one as well as the original. |