Edited by robertgida at 2015-9-14 19:02 \n\n
Already I'm really shure: NOT the camera is horrible, only the stock camera software. I tried the stock software in all options (for example 8MP, 13MP, ISO 100...), but the picture is really really grainy, you know that. The stock camera software is wrong ab ovo, cause of stupid compression-noisereduction algorythm. But see mdav88's advice about the A Better Camera app, for solving the problem. My advice for all of you: use an other camera software, which CAN OVERRIDE the stock camera software algorythms. For example the A Better Camera app.
I use A Better Camera with high quality options (JPEG 100%, ISO100...), and i shoot really really normal pictures!!! The camera module is a good camera module as a hardware!!! - for a mobile phone, of course, not a professional camera (and you know, this is a 8MP sensor, the 13MP only extrapolated).
So, don't use the stock camera software, but use other camera app, which can override the stock app algorythms, and you live happily untilk you die.
Because this hardware is a 8MP camera sensor, I think, the 8MP pictures are better than the 13MP pictures. But with a normal camera software, the extrapolated 13MP is normal, too - as a good quality mobile phone camera.
That's also important: with the external camera software also DO NOT USE auto ISO, allways use ISO100 (maybe ISO200 only if you really must), and save the ISO100 options, that the app couldn't go back to the auto ISO!!! You see, the ISO100 doesn't help with the stock camera app, and the auto ISO doesn't help with the external camera app. Only helps the ISO100 (if must ISO200) with a suchlike external camera app, which can override the stock camera software algorythms. If you do well everything, you can take really normal pictures with the eMAX, independently the UMI Android version.