Either that or they simply can't. I have heard (and I can not verify this, this might not be true at all so take it with a grain of "maybe") that some phone manufacturers don't even HAVE the source code. MediaTek provides them with the binaries and the manufacturer simply cooks a ROM from these binary blobs. Any fixes or improvements would need to be done by MediaTek. Now, just to re-iterate, I do not know if this is true but it is a scenario that I have heard of before.
The reason we buy these cheap chinese phones is because they are so ridiculously cheap compared to other devices I can buy in the store localy. I have learned to live with these devices as they are, sometimes having the option of finding someone in the community who tries to improve them but I have learned to live with the fact that the manufacturer has little to no incentive to maintain or actively support a device for longer than the few weeks after it is released. It's economics: We want cheap phones so someone has to make them. If they do, we have to live with what we get.