Gosh, I'm feeling close, but for the life of me, I can't get it working in the last stages.
First, thanks bencebacsi for the tutorial.
A3_Pro_N_V1.2_20190910 here. I've been following scrupulously the steps. At step 7, I noticed that indeed if I don't reboot in recovery, the stock recovery is restored. So I take care to reboot in recovery mode :
- reboot while holding Vol_up
- here comes the bootloader menu: I select recovery
- after that I get a black screen with a white Umidigi logo and white text saying "Orange State - Your device has been unlocked and can't be trusted - Your device will boot in 5 seconds"
 - I keep waiting, but keep my finger on Vol_up (I noticed that the next step never occurs if I don't)
- 5 seconds later, hurray, I get this... But alas, nothing more. After a few seconds, the phone reboots. And if I come back to recovery, the stock recovery is back.

What did I miss?