yeah if sp flash tool would work... it stops responding as soon as it gets to DOWNLOAD DA 100% i get no error messages. i have tried booting with driver signature enforce off even with test mode on, i have all drivers installed nothing works. i'm using windows 10, i have tried everything.
TOMPPIX replied at 2016-6-24 06:31
yeah if sp flash tool would work... it stops responding as soon as it gets to DOWNLOAD DA 100% i get ...
Thank you for your screenshot. The "flash_tool.exe has stopped working" message seems to be an error message. This is an issue of your own computer, it's not about the flash tool or the phone itself. It might be a conflict of attached USB devices (your Soundblaster E1 is suspicious) or anything else. I suggest you to try to use another PC. If then everything works well, you can investigate the issue of your own machine.
Edited by TOMPPIX at 2016-6-26 06:00 \n\nfor those who has problems with sp flash tool stop responding, do not copy the scatter file to any other location, just extract the archive and link sp flash tools to the scatter file in the new folder then it will flash just fine.
Hi, first thank for your amazing work love my UMI Super, look I have a problem after the step 7, when I tried to go in the recovery menu it's the Android Robot with "no command" who appear and no possibily to do anything why ?
Hi I can't install the recovery after installing the rom and the recovery I tried to boot into twrp recovery mode but I can only see the factory recovery what should I do