Edited by J.Naw at 2016-1-31 13:58 \n\nIncase anyone wants to read the old forum post: Old Post
Files to download: https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B8wGZifBbicPMUZNanZHTjR4VDg
Includes: Rom extractions (ramdisk, from 4.4.4 and 5.0), Sony xperia c4/c5 kernels, ext2explorer, ext4explorer, mtkbootimg, mtk-tools, repack-mtk, split_bootimg, unmkbootimg, unpack-mtk, Readmes. TWRP for flashing. Recovery.fstab
Spflashtool: http://spflashtool.com/
(THIS IS NOT IN GIVEN FILE HERE):Recommended mkbootimg tool: Tool
So! Here we are again! Got files for anyone who wants to help. Recovery.fstab was found (taken from TWRP) And the Sony Xperia C4/C5 Source was given. Found a way to make the Board sizes so we can get the recovery to boot. If we can get the phone to boot with the sony sources.. Then we will be able to edit that to get the mobile working, therefore having Mobile network and a decent Rom for once!!! (Yes sadly I still have hope in having Lollipop..)
Things Needed:
1. A pc running 64bit windows and linux (32bit will work too)
2. 7zip.
3. Ability to research things and
I've extracted all the important stuff. And given all the tools i've used so far (Credits to all the creators of the tools), along with the roms. (Stock kitkat, TCL M2M, Twrp 4.4.4 and 5.0) And with some links to read that I found helpful.
Hopefully we can get Cyanogen running for once..
To build a theoretical working Boot.img:
If you notice when you "unmkbootimg" the bootimg. you will get a warning on how it was made with a non standard Mkbootimg. It will give you some offsets for the addresses and ask you to change them in the mkbootimg.c file. You MUST do this. and follow the command given later on in the file. IF you dont, then the system wont boot. Now. I gave you guys a Fork of the Source. But I have had issues trying to compile it. So you can try running the android source, and doing it that way, but I was unable to find the mkbootimg.c file in the source. So. Its really up to screwing around and looking. Like with all porting..
Things not in the Readme's
- cat /proc/emmc gives you correct values for the boardconfig.mk (I believe. Seems more believable, same numbers I got when i converted them to hex, but in a different placement)
- Remember to do "add_lunch_combo cm_*codename*-userdebug" or else nothing will work. Same with "source build/envsetup.sh"