Edited by bencebacsi at 2016-1-15 10:07 \n\n
I have for sure selected the appropriate plataform, ive tried about a dozen different packages from micro to stock. arm64 and normal arm. android 5.1, even tried a package for android 5 and 6. plus other various sources i could find including the one inside the cm 12.1 installation.
I would like to maybe try another recovery if you have one (maybe downgrading twrp or reinstalling it if that is possible under your guidance).
I also tried the mokee OS, but same problem. Im starting to think it might really be an issue with the recovery, even though it installs the OS just fine.
when reinstalling the cm12.1 zip provided on the post I noticed the twrp log attempting to install gapps but not completing that step and without error. followed by ONLY the OS being installed.
I think that last message was meant for the previous poster, but i did a suppossedly successful backup of the QCN, plus i dont think that is relevant to my problem. I havent installed any sim card on my phone yet...
Edited by bencebacsi for better readability