[2020 models] UMIDIGI BISON-E_V1-0_20201101 ROM - SPFT release

bencebacsi Post time 2021-1-30 03:58:59 | Show all posts  Close [Copy link]
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[2020 models] UMIDIGI BISON-E_V1-0_20201101 ROM - SPFT release

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Post time 2020-11-27 08:16:55 | Show all posts |Read mode
This is the SP Flash Tool release of the
E_V1-0_20201101 system software

European version for EEA countries

Flash tool operation is recommended to experienced users only. If you are not yet an experienced flash tool user, please carefully read the flash tool tutorial before proceeding, and strictly follow each instruction.

Except if an authorized or responsible expert directly asked you to do that,
never format the flash chip of your device or you instantly lose your warranty!

UMIDIGI BISON receives all updates automatically via FOTA method. You need this tool only in case of emergency (if you've bricked your phone), if you want to apply a clean install or if you want to clear all root access and custom recovery to make your phone able to receive FOTA updates again. Moreover, flashing with SPFT is the only option to repair (replace) damaged system software.

First release for manufacturing

FOTA vesion: UMIDIGI_BISON-E_V1-0_20201101

SP Flash Tool

Flashtool tutorial: http://bit.ly/SPFTguide

ROM: >>> UMIDIGI_BISON-E_V1-0_20201101.rar <<<
Extract the .rar file before use. The scatter file (MT6771_Android_scatter.txt) is inside the extracted folder, together with the other components

VCOM driver: Windows 10 can automatically install it. Please make sure that your Windows is logged in with administrator rights and your computer has a working internet connection when first time connecting your phone.

Here's an optional solution to start the flashing process on your UMIDIGI BISON if the standard method doesn't work.
It's especially useful if your phone is bricked or is stuck in bootloop
1. Connect your phone to USB.
2. Start the flashing process with the Download button in the flasher app.
3. Press and hold the power button of your phone until the flashing process starts (red bar appears at the bottom of the app window), then release it. In this process you have to keep the power button pressed for about 10 seconds.
4. Wait until the flashing process finishes.

Kind request from users:
Please report any kind of new issues you experience after installing this update only if you've already flashed this ROM with SP Flash Tool in Firmware Upgrade mode. In rare cases a FOTA update can cause more or less serious malfunctions but that means only the update process went wrong, not a badly developed ROM. An updated stock ROM, especially related to the basic functions will not cause any new issues but will solve some of the existing ones.







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Post time 2021-1-30 03:58:59 | Show all posts
estou perdendo minha paciencia, tudo que pediram aqui pra fazer eu fiz. Exatamente tudo, tentei recovery mode por SD CARD, por armazenamento interno, app flash, TUDO, nada resolveu, tentei todas versões disponíveis, nenhuma delas instalou, fala "bad file" quando tento realizar via SD CARD, ou da "error" quando tento por armazenamento interno, e quando tento pelo FLASH ele da erro de "STATUS_DEVICE_CTRL_EXCEPTION" ou "FAiled to get PMT info". não tenho onde mais recorrer. O SUPORTE me mandou procurar a loja que me vender e resolver com eles, isso não resolve meu problema sra. FABRICANTE UMIDIGI.
Meu problema iniciou com o microfone não funcionando apenas em chamadas de video, pediram pra eu instalar a versão 20210126 ultima e fresquinha, e também foi a unica versão que eu consegui instalar via flash app, depois de instalada eu perdi o microfone pra tudo, não consigo fazer chamadas de simcard, nem de whatsapp, nem mandar audio, nem PTT, nem absolutamente nada. Quero voltar outras versões pra tentar resolver o problema.

i'm losing my patience, everything i asked for here i did. Exactly everything, I tried recovery mode by SD CARD, by internal storage, flash app, EVERYTHING, nothing resolved, I tried all available versions, none of them installed, say "bad file" when I try to do it via SD CARD, or "error" when I try for internal storage, and when I try to FLASH it gives an error of "STATUS_DEVICE_CTRL_EXCEPTION" or "FAiled to get PMT info". I have nowhere else to turn. SUPPORT sent me to look for the store that sells me and to solve with them, that does not solve my problem Mrs. UMIDIGI MANUFACTURER.
My problem started with the microphone not working only on video calls, I was asked to install the latest and fresh version 20210126, and it was also the only version I was able to install via the flash app, once installed I lost the microphone for everything, no I can make simcard calls, whatsapp messages, send audio, PTT, or absolutely nothing. I want to go back to other versions to try to solve the problem.
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