The process I did was this:
1st - Firmware Upgrade with SP Flash tools (last Rom available).
2nd - Change imeis with SNWriter:
In the SNWriter options, uncheck Tee Support (to not result in Fail),
In System Config : check only IMEI Option and DataBase File (look for paths of MD1_DB and Ap_DB options in installed Rom.
Save, then Start and enter the original Imeis (available in the smartphone box).
With the smartphone off, connect via usb and vol + key.(Try, in the part of connecting the smartphone, press the volume button + several times)
3rd - After all ok : Start the smartphone, initial settings and insert a SIM card (in my case MEO Portugal) and again without network and calls,
So now the magic of chance happened! By placing a second SIM card also from MEO, SIM CARD1 and SIM CARD2 (I don't know if it works with cards from different networks)
after a short time, the network and calls were working correctly.
That's how it worked for me, sorry if I can't help. |