Edited by marciov at 2020-6-6 06:12
Is there any way to activate call recording feature on non-EU Umidigi F2?
I wrote to Umidigi Support in December 1st, 2019:
"1) Does Umidigi F2 has native call recording app? I just heard Android 9 & 10 does not provides necessary API or permissions unless the call recorder app is pre-installed. 2) Does Umidigi F2 supports Wi-Fi calling?"
UMIDIGI answered me back on December 2nd, 2019 (TICKET-6799 F2):
"Yes, the F2 has the native call recording, and it can support WIFI calling" .
I waited until now to see if it will come on the OTA updates, but it didn't. I need this feature on both my 2 (two) Umidigi F2. Can you please add native call recording on next update? It's not forbidden for the law in my country (as confirmed by Brazil Supreme Court):
EMENTA: GRAVAÇÃO DE CONVERSA. INICIATIVA DE UM DOS INTERLOCUTORES. LICITUDE. PROVA CORROBORADA POR OUTRAS PRODUZIDAS EM JUÍZO SOB O CRIVO DO CONTRADITÓRIO. Gravação de conversa. A gravação feita por um dos interlocutores, sem conhecimento do outro, nada tem de ilicitude, principalmente quando destinada a documentá-la em caso de negativa. Precedente: Inq 657, Carlos Velloso. Conteúdo da gravação confirmada em juízo. AGRRE improvido.
Data do Julgamento: 09/12/2003 - 2ª Turma - Supremo TRibunal Federal - DECISÃO UNÂNIME - RE402035-SP AgR - Relator: Ministra Ellen Gracie.
Free translation: Call recording by one of speachers. Lawfulness. Evidence supported by other evidences produced on court under scrutiny of State and Deffendant. Call Recording. The voice record performed by just one of the speaking parties, without knowledge of the other party, is NOT ILLEGAL, specially if intended to proof of denial of a proposal. Judicial Precedent (on Supreme Court): Inq 657, Carlos Velloso (Supreme Court Judge). Call record content confirmed by lower(s) Judge (or Court). Appeal was dismissed.
Trial date: December 9th, 2003 - Brazil Supreme Court - 2nd Judge Team - UNANIMOUS DECISION - Appeal RE402035-SP AgR - Rappourter Judge: Minister Ellen Gracie.
We really need this feature in Brazil. Please add it on next OTA update.