Despues de tener el Umidigi F2 como pisapapeles al final encontre la solucion de como arreglar el micro y que me lo reconociera el PC gracias a un video que vi en Youtube pude solucionarlo y de momento me va genial, y quiero compartirlo con ustedes y quiero que comenten si les funciono, la solucion es muy sencilla.
After having the Umidigi F2 as a paperweight at the end I found the solution of how to fix the micro and that the PC recognized it thanks to a video that I saw on Youtube I was able to solve it and for the moment it is going great, and I want to share it with you and I want you to Comment if it worked for you, the solution is very simple.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=miBG65Icqyk |