Well... No, that doesn’t help either... After setting, just in case, I turned off and on the phone, then left it on charge. After 1 hour, there is no sound again.
Looks i found temporary solution for sound issue . I connect my BT headphones to the device , since phone was connected to headphones sound was completely OK . Then I disconnect headphones and after 10 minutes sound gone. Now i keep BT headphones connected all the time . Probably phone needs some software update ASAP !!!
My name is Alexandr, I'm from Russia. I buy Power 3 and update Firmware on air. Tell me please, what a Rom Umidigi_Power_3_V1.1_20200116_20200116-1903?
Никакой. Е - это европейский вариант. У меня была без Е - 1903 поставил UMIDIGI_Power_3.E_V1.1_20200116_20200116-2243 практически ничего не изменилось.
Turning on the command "Ok Google" must be turned off. And the sound ceases to disappear.
1. go to the Google panel.
2. bottom right "More" then settings
3. Voice input.
4. Voice Match contact Google Assistant for help.
5 Function: To contact the Google assistant, turn on the screen and say "ok Google"
Then disable this feature.
The option while driving can be left (it does not affect)
All! Now you will have a sound, but the truth Google assistant will not appear on a voice command.