okay, well i have not the slightest clue what this guy is talking about lol.... but for ANYONE having the green line issues - BEHOLD... A WORKING FIX!! WITHOUT ANY HELP FROM UMIDIGI!!
simply dial *#*#66#*#* and you will enter the hidden 'test' menu. now be careful, but you need to enter the 'SINGLE TEST' menu -> when in this menu, there are tons of little blocks that you can perform various tests from. DO NOT PRESS TELEPHONE UNLESS YOU ARE PREPARED TO TALK TO E911 SERVICES!!!!! learned that one quick.. ANYWAY.. now you need to click, press, or select (which ever term you prefer to use here) the FIRST block labeled 'LCD'. when you press this, the phones display, the ENTIRE display, will cycle test colors to the screen, to verify working condition of the display - and to determine if any dead pixels have been introduced recently. now - this will be sort of important; when i did this test, i turned my brightness all the way up to 100%, disabled the adaptive brightness, and raised my screen-on timeout to 1min. after i did the code, and got the LCD to the RED SCREEN, this is the first test color btw, i let my phone sit until the brightness dimmed and then turned the display off. i unlocked the screen, tapped the RED color to go to GREEN, the next test color; and i repeated the 1min timeouts until there were no more colors to cycle through -
**note - colors are in this order: RED, GREEN, BLUE, BLACK, WHITE. after the white screen, it will ask you if the test was successful - select success, and exit the menu by pressing the home button, or backing out of the menus.**
congratulations! if the test images were displayed correctly, IF you have the green line issue - this should have cleared that up ;) what happens with this, is the same exact issue with the Samsung devices and the pink / red line issues with the display. kind of the same, but this isn't a Sammy.. anywho; the green line usually means something is defective - but not this case. i've noticed the green line while booting, while on the call with someone, in apps, then all of the sudden it disappears to nothingness? then comes back, goes away, comes back.. there's a software glitch driving either the LCD color space, obviously incorrectly, or a glitch in the way that the software is driving the actual LCD brightness controller - as this issue has been apparent on others devices as well as mine, and almost not even noticeable with the 1.3 software. SO, after cycling the colors, it kind of 'resets' or 're-seats' the actual LCD pixels into their home space within the layers of the panel. sometimes, the pixels kind of buckle up during manufacturing or shipping - usually due to heat / cold - expansion / contraction..
now - i still have the green line sometimes - SOMETIMES. . . but not nearly as much as before i did this color cycle thing. whenever i notice the line, i cycle the colors from the test menu - then bam, back to normal no lines.
please reply back with success stories!! |