Edited by InTheY2K at 2019-6-19 20:34
Edited by InTheY2K at 2019-6-19 20:33
Thanks for the reply! I did unlock the OEM lock in the developer settings (pretty much one of the first things I did with the phone when I got it four weeks ago) and I am using Magisk Manager 7.3.1.
EDIT: It DID work with SP Flash Tool v5.1916 though. 
EDIT2: After flashing the patched boot img the F1 won't boot up again. During start it says "Red State ... Your device has failed the verification and may not work properly... Please download boot image with correct signature or disable verified boot... Your device will reboot in 5 seconds..." and it keeps rebooting. Can't turn it off. :-(
EDIT3: Never mind! I was able to flash the original boot.img again. All good now. Phew!