Bencebacsi you could kindly answer my question thanks but in order to have root permissions on umidigi F1 is it necessary to unblock bootloader? is there not another possibility? even if in the future?
I still have a problem, toggles menu sometime becomes dark (like dark mode of other phones), when I change user, name of toggles are unreadable and the little user icon to set another user disappears.
I have to reboot the device to have again white toggles menu with correct name of each toggle.
How can I lock toggle menu in white mode???
Thanks for the update. I have installed it and encountered no problem but I have some qu ...
- Yes, some camera resources have been changed. I'm trying to get information about why RAW capture is disabled and whether we'll get it back or not.
- The camera color balance bug was already fixed by the last update before this one.
- LTE+ is a marketing phrase. Your phone still can use combined LTE channels if the carrier supports it without showing anything about that on screen.
This update has broken something certainly seriously. After this upd ...
Your issue might be caused by a third party app - not obviously a launcher. You can try to flash this version with SP Flash Tool in firmware upgrade mode.
With locked boot loader still only verified partitions can be flashed or your system won't be able to boot up. I don't think anything will change about it in the future.
LTE+ might be a marketing phrase but the reality is that the download speed is (way) below what I see with other phones (max I got was 96Mbps while I'm around 160 with Mi 8 Lite or Redmi Note 5). When I checked signal data from the Android API, I see that the F1 doesn't use LTE+ while all the others do. I know the F1 is compatible with the same frequencies as the others but it seems that it doesn't combine frequencies to ensure a higher speed. I can provide you a raw file with signal data if you want.
The update I downloaded yesterday was the first one I've had since I have bought the device. When did the other update happen? (the one correcting color balance). I still have a color balance leaning to the red today. For video capture, I don't see any difference too.