Edited by ashkan.r65 at 2019-3-6 00:11
I updated my phone days ago and some of the issues are fixed. However, there are some new bugs, which probably you already know about those.
Such as
When the battery goes under 15%, Overview Button make some vibration on the screen, I tried to record a video but the vibration was so fast and another phone cannot record it. But it's easy to test.
Multitasking manager, which Bencebacsi mentioned as a known issue.
In the input pin keyboard, there is a ✅ which is useless.
Other issues are fixed except the WiFi stability. It looks like very weak and is waiting for disconnecting.
WiFi channel wasn't my issue, some of the customers mentioned that and I gathered all of the bugs.
I wrote some ideas on the ROM part which I will write here again:
Some Idea: first instead of Open Camera, please add all of the function to the original phone app
Based on this comment from Bencebacsi:
"Install Open Camera, enable Camera2 API in its settings, and then you can see the shutter speed in the top left corner."
Second please add Slow Motion mode to the phone app.
It will be a good idea if you add double tap gesture to the screen to turn the screen on or off, because using the power button as camera shortcut and also turning Ring mode to Silent Mode, put a lot of pressure on this button. You can also change the camera shortcut.
Put an option to disable mirror mode for frontal camera
And also add some Real Time Retouch photo on front camera! It shows a lot of detail. |