Edited by tommyl at 2019-2-22 05:10
do you plan to add battery % next to the battery icon in the bar? There is no option in the Android 9.0. % is visible only during charging and locked screen.
At this moment the camera is one big disaster.
- selfie is to bright. Open Camera app from store helps but still some noise is visible in background
- recorded movies are displayed with big noise like with some filter. The same movies displayed in i.e VLC app looks good.
look: on left - print screen from VLC app, on left from system player:

Edit 1: ok this is caused by MiraVision. I put own settings and this is why all recorded movies have been played in low quality. Once I turn on default option, movies looks fine. Strange...
Edit 2: other issue: GPS location icon is not displayed on the bar. GPS icon is displayed only during navigation. Otherwise system remove it from the bar even if location is working... (to see it please close navigation, drag bar and you see green GPS icon on green but no ican in the bar)