Edited by Elyes_14 at 2019-1-31 21:59
Edited by Elyes_14 at 2019-1-31 21:58
I bought 2 UMIDIGI One pro , yes 2 (yes I know, I'm stupid to buy 2 UMIDIGI ... worst, I was warned that it wasn't a good idea to buy UMIDIGi... )
and both of them can't connect to 4G ....! whereas the old LeTv x600, can connect without any problem to 4G
I did a test with the same and with a new SIM carde at the same location :
One pro failed to connect to 4G, but LeTV will connect directly to 4G.
for the MMS:
- One pro need the dataservice to be enabled to send receive MMS . this service is not mandatory for that and , it is not free at all ( FreeMobile - France)
- LeTv, ZTE, Samsung ... , will send recieve MMS (with the same SIM carde) without enabling data service...
one more issue: using engineering mode I've noticed that there is some missing 4G bands ( I'don't mind about this, because missing 4G bands are not used in France )
so you can understand that I didn't even checked if wireless charging is working or not ...
should I ask UMI to replace at least one of my units ?
it's really disappointing