Edited by Ghost505 at 2018-12-24 23:32
I hope this is just a misunderstanding, we hoped they worked on fixing the camera but they still does not even know about this ?
Every single user that has the phone to the last 2 updates has this problem with the video, I dare you try to make a 5 second video for example, you will get like ONLY 3 FRAMES ON IT FOR 1 SECOND! (If you try to make a video without moving the phone, a little bit better? No, just put your hand and move it slowly in front of the phone... Even phones from 10 years ago has more frames on it... It is a simple software problem, and if you had the source code released, I would have fixed it myself.
They just told me on facebook that the video camera has no lag issues... ARE YOU SERIOUS ?
To make things better, they showed me a picture of the white mode notification bar etc.. not dark mode, the problem is on the dark mode and the current update 12/08 has not this problem fixed, another problem that they do not know/admit.
Honestly, I do not care, I can live with it, but they do not even know about it, and they dismissed the fact that comming back from the gallery mode or shutting off screen/ and on again, fixes the problem. I bet you to try this and you will see. Even a guy with 1/20 vision could see the difference.