I can't get a custom recovery to work on my One Pro (bootloader unlocked, 20190107.V3.13 Rom)
I've followed the instructions here and have got Magisk 18.1 and the patched boot installed successfully but root checker app says root access is not properly installed.
I've tried flashing a number of different TWRP recoveries through SPFT but none work. I know I am supposed to boot straight into recovery after flashing TWRP so hold power and vol up and get to the page with 3 options including to enter recovery but when I choose recovery the phone goes to a blank screen.
I've tried all sort of button presses from the blank screen but nothing works so have to long press power to turn off.
Sometimes I get to the android "no command" page which I can get out of through power and vol up but then always takes me to the stock recovery.
I'm ultimately really hoping to get Eragon rom installed as I had it on a previous phone but have same problem with blank screen when I flash it