S2 Pro - Basic Official ROM

bencebacsi Post time 2018-8-16 08:07:25 | Show all posts      Close [Copy link]
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Author: bencebacsi

S2 Pro - Basic Official ROM

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Rank: 2

Post time 2018-8-7 10:52:25 | Show all posts
Edited by Valdelyn at 2018-8-7 10:54 \n\n Edited by Valdelyn at 2018-8-7 10:53 \n\n
bencebacsi replied at 2018-8-6 10:13
Try to flash this ROM in firmware upgrade mode.

Ja fiz desta forma mas continua do mesmo jeito, a atualização 8.1 não vai sair mais ?
 Author| Post time 2018-8-7 11:52:21 | Show all posts
Valdelyn replied at 2018-8-7 10:52
Edited by Valdelyn at 2018-8-7 10:54 \n\n Edited by Valdelyn at 2018-8-7 10:53 \n\n
Ja fiz desta fo ...

Sorry but UMI OS based S2 Pro handsets cannot receive Android 8 upgrade.







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Rank: 2

Post time 2018-8-7 19:37:38 | Show all posts
bencebacsi replied at 2018-8-7 11:52
Sorry but UMI OS based S2 Pro handsets cannot receive Android 8 upgrade.

I wish you and this fellow Marcin did make this statement at the beginning, and not give all us S2 Pro customers such a false hope for our devices. Umidigi did make one for us terrible discision and furthermore no support at all. So for me I ordered another phone and it is over whith this company. But it is a shame that people in a forum make mistakes and totally ignore those mistakes, by banning people and moving threads to somwere you cannot find it anymore.
Sorry for this long post but I had to get my frustation for this of my chest.
Have a nice day.
Greetz Toon







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Rank: 2

Post time 2018-8-7 20:23:50 | Show all posts
bencebacsi replied at 2018-8-7 11:52
Sorry but UMI OS based S2 Pro handsets cannot receive Android 8 upgrade.

At last, at the end, we heard the truth.
Thank you @bencebacsi.

We all (those who bought the phone) do not expect nothing else / nothing more from UMI

But Umi also must understand us, when we post our thinking about Umi in new products rewievs
 Author| Post time 2018-8-8 06:35:51 | Show all posts
toonstra replied at 2018-8-7 19:37
I wish you and this fellow Marcin did make this statement at the beginning, and not give all us S2 ...

Marcin and me share all important information here as soon as we are aware of it. Earlier we were notified about an upcoming Android 8.1 upgrade and moreover, we were asked to share that info here on the forum.
Finally not an 8.1 but a stock Android 8.0 upgrade has been really made for the S2 Pro, but it cannot be flashed on UMI OS based devices. The resources and the developer team of UMI OS and Efuse protection are simply not accessible. As I can't ask you to breath under water, you can't ask us to break the Efuse protection since that's not our real possibility.
Finally my personal opinion. The S2 Pro is just a middle-low priced smartphone with Android 7.0 that's still up-to-date enough to avoid any compatibility issues for quite a long time. It's just a relatively cheap phone, not your deus ex machina. With the basic ROM and after proper settings (permission management), you still can use this model as your daily driver, enjoy the large and detailed screen, the long lasting battery and the huge storage space. Getting the same level of software support as what those world brands offer for their much more expensive (or not more expensive but much more lower specs) devices is something you may hope in and sometimes can get, but not something that you can expect and claim.







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Rank: 2

Post time 2018-8-8 20:10:29 | Show all posts
bencebacsi replied at 2018-8-8 06:35
Marcin and me share all important information here as soon as we are aware of it. Earlier we were  ...

Not completely agree...
Google release security patches montly, our last update was about 9 months ago "5 nov 2017"
And also, the 360 software are "unsafe" for Google,
So to use the phone we all we need to flash this rom (voiding the guarantee) and losing all (never more camed) ota update.
 Author| Post time 2018-8-9 10:17:17 | Show all posts
Psk.It replied at 2018-8-8 20:10
Not completely agree...
Google release security patches montly, our last update was about 9 months ...

The last basic ROM has become an official release, flashing it will not void your warranty if you follow the instructions. The basic edition does not contain any 360 software. The security patch is an evergreen topic. Actually I haven't heard about even 4-5 old Android phones hacked due to their old security patch. On the other hand, to install a new security patch needs to replace about 800 files, that's a huge work.







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Rank: 2

Post time 2018-8-9 14:39:22 | Show all posts
bencebacsi replied at 2018-8-9 10:17
The last basic ROM has become an official release, flashing it will not void your warranty if you  ...

So, @bencebacsi, "Umi s2 pro" Will die running "V1.0_20180201 Basic Edition" rom?
 Author| Post time 2018-8-10 11:52:31 | Show all posts
Psk.It replied at 2018-8-9 14:39
So, @bencebacsi, "Umi s2 pro" Will die running "V1.0_20180201 Basic Edition" rom?

I wouldn't use the word 'die' but we can't see any chance to release further updates.







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Rank: 2

Post time 2018-8-16 08:07:25 | Show all posts
  Você pode apagar minhas publicações sim, se fazem isso porque sabem que estou falando a verdade e vocês não passam de uma empresa mentirosa, não sou obrigado a falar inverdades sobre seus produtos sendo que não é só eu que fui enganado, se vocês não tem competencia com seus aparelhos nem muito menos repeito com os clientes.
   Agora não me vem dizendo que não pode fazer mais nada com o aparelho que podem sim só não querem .
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