S2 Pro - Basic Official ROM

bencebacsi Post time 2018-2-6 07:11:41 | Show all posts      Close [Copy link]
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S2 Pro - Basic Official ROM

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Post time 2018-2-5 21:51:32 | Show all posts |Read mode
This is the SP Flash Tool release of the
V1.0_20180201 Basic Edition (UMI OS V2.0.027)
system software for

Before flashing your phone, please get through the flash tool tutorial and strictly follow every instruction
This software release is officially approved by UMIDIGI

Please note
This one is the final software release for UMI OS based UMIDIGI S2 Pro, and it is possible to be installed only with SP Flash Tool, wireless (OTA) update will not be provided.
If you change your mind after installing this Basic Edition ROM (not recommended), you can any time return to an original stock ROM - flashing only the system partition of the same version is enough
If you flash the Basic Edition version for the first time, it is highly recommended to flash it in Firmware Upgrade mode (your user data will be erased) in order to remove the updates and saved data of the removed apps as well.

Flashing your UMI OS based UMIDIGI S2 Pro with this software release will not void your warranty if the following conditions are met:
1. You use only the software tools provided in this post (as the only exception MediaTek preloader USB com port drivers automatically installed by Windows are accepted and recommended to use)
2. You use your phone's original USB cable for flashing
3. You use a virus-free computer with active internet connection and running a 64-bit Windows 10 version - Older and/or 32-bit Windows versions and Linux are theoretically compatible but not accepted
4. Referring to the flash tool tutorial, you flash your phone with SPFT in 'Download Only' or 'Firmware Upgrade' mode (the latter option is recommended) but never in 'Format All + Download' mode

Changelog (official update):
  • Optimized system performance
  • Minor bug fixes

Special features:
  • Replacable default launcher (once you set it as default, you have to uninstall your custom launcher to be able to use the system launcher again)
  • 'My Launcher' launcher replaced by Google Pixel launcher as the system launcher
  • Not system-sensitive custom apps have been removed, updates containing malware or adware will not be installed anymore
         List of removed apps:
         360 Security, FreeShare, Super Share, QuickTouch, TouchPal 2017, App Store, Intelligent Aggregating Page,
         Power Master, Avatar Master, Anti-theft, App Cleanup, My Launcher (system launcher), Phone Transfer

SP Flash Tool (unofficial tool for flashing)

Flashtool tutorial: http://bit.ly/SPFTguide

Extract the .rar file before use. The scatter file (MT6757_Android_scatter.txt) is inside the extracted folder, together with the other components
After flashing this ROM in Firmware Upgrade mode, the first boot-up may take longer than normally (up to 5 minutes), please be patient.

VCOM driver: Windows 10 can automatically install it. Please make sure that your Windows is logged in with administrator rights and your computer has a working internet connection when first time connecting your phone.

Here's an optional solution to start the flashing process on your UMIDIGI S2 Pro if the standard method doesn't work.
It's especially useful if your phone is bricked or is stuck in bootloop
1. Connect your UMIDIGI S2 Pro to USB.
2. Start the flashing process with the Download button in the flasher app.
3. Press and keep pressed the power button of your phone until the flashing process starts (red bar appears at the bottom of the app window), then release it. In this process you have to keep the power button pressed for about 10 seconds.
4. Wait until the flashing process finishes.

 Author| Post time 2018-5-31 11:46:31 | Show all posts
Dear users,
Yesterday's news: A stock (not UMI OS) Android 8.1 upgrade for UMIDIGI S2 Pro is being developed, but it will not be available via wireless update, you'll be able to install it only with SPFT. It's planned to be released in July. If I can get an earlier beta version, I will share it.
Edit 7. August, 2018: Finally an Android 8.0 upgrade for the S2 Pro was released in June but it cannot be installed on UMI OS based devices due to the Efuse partition protection. The resources used for UMI OS and Efuse development were held by a third party company (360OS) and are not accessible by any UMIDIGI staff - 360OS seems to be closed. Our efforts were unsuccessful to get those resources, so the current state is unchangeable. Officially this basic edition ROM is our solution to keep all UMI OS based UMIDIGI S2 Pro handsets usable. The management contracted with 360OS left UMIDIGI in January.


To understand, try to perform an installation of the file (Android 8.0 upgrade) that generated an absurd Bug on my device, I managed to recover, but the unlock by Digital not, how to solve?  Post time 2019-1-4 02:02
Can I flash this on my S2 Pro - if I read this correctly there are some S2 Pro's that can (That don't have the efuse protection) and if you have a S2 Pro with the efuse protection you can't install?  Post time 2018-12-28 12:27
ma l'SPFT lo scarichiamo dal forum.... E poi non si può fare un'aggiornamento più completo...per eliminare le sotto voci in Inglese,nelle impostazioni.  Post time 2018-7-4 17:47
omg, great news!  Post time 2018-6-6 22:15
Real great news; excellent! :D  Post time 2018-6-1 14:02







Senior Member

Rank: 2

Post time 2018-6-22 04:38:59 | Show all posts
So will the S2 Pro Update be available for all devices or not? If not (as it seems right now) that really has to be a joke.
More or less announcing it here and in reality its almost useless for all current readers here as they already have a S2 Pro.
Actually that makes me even more disappointed of UMI than i was before the update announcement...

As all people here said: Care about your customers or lose them.

If you say it was mismanagement and other problem leading to this failed phone with a failed OS, okay i can understand that, such things can (but should not) happen. But you cant just say "Ooops we fkd up, you people are now stuck with this, we dont care". So give us a big discount on the new Z2 Pro or solve the EFuse Problem... Just do anything for your customers...
 Author| Post time 2018-4-29 08:04:08 | Show all posts
AJB replied at 2018-4-22 03:37
Does that mean: There isn't any more release; Umidigi stopped working on the S2 Pro?

I'm sorry but according to my current knowledge, the S2 Pro or any other UMI OS based models will not receive further updates since the UMI OS developer team doesn't work for UMIDIGI anymore.
On the other hand, I've been using an S2 Pro as my daily driver with about 160 user apps installed for quite a long time already, but my only issue is that, skype notifications don't appear, except the notification light. I'm using the latest basic ROM, of course.


I find this statement the most valuable content of all S2 Pro forum beside V1.0_20180201 Basic ROM. With Basic ROM and disabling as much QIKU apps as possible daily behavior is fairly decent.  Post time 2018-5-1 20:52







Senior Member

Rank: 2

Post time 2018-6-1 04:13:40 | Show all posts
@bencebacsi, you said several times, if i remember it correctly, that a 8.1 update is not possible because the boot and recovery partition needs to be modified, which is not possible because of EFUSe. Does that mean 360OS Devs gave you the key so you can modifiy it now?
And does that further mean that there will not only be Android 8.1, which is great, but also root possible?

If its possible for Umidigi in ANY way, please enable us a rooting option.

Just give us the freedom we all demanded sooo long.

THAT would move Umi in a whole other light for me and for many other peoply here i guess.







Diamond Member

Rank: 4

Post time 2018-2-27 04:42:22 | Show all posts
bencebacsi replied at 2018-2-27 04:29
What's your bluetooth issue? Maybe it's unique and hardware related.

My bluetooth sometimes disconnect from my Citroen C4 Picasso when I talk through auto's system and after 10-15 seconds connect again and I could talk again.
With my samsung level link it sometimes get no sound when music is playing. Then I should disconnect it and connect again to play.







Senior Member

Rank: 2

Post time 2018-9-4 10:31:31 | Show all posts
Acabou empresa de merda aqui no Brasil ninguém compra mais essa imitação de celular, propaganda enganosa não tem respeito com quem compra esses aparelhos descartáveis.
#nunca mais umigidi.
 Author| Post time 2018-5-16 07:04:11 | Show all posts
AJB replied at 2018-5-16 00:10
Edited by AJB at 2018-5-16 03:02 \n\n
Reference: Unbearable state of affairs with the smartphones U ...

The 360 OS team is quite not a bunch of hobby developers but that's true, originally and still primarily they develop for the Chinese market only, where there are seriously different needs. I must admit that (and not publicly but claimed from the beginning), that was a wrong decision to collaborate with such a developer while the majority of UMIDIGI smartphones are sold on the western market, and absolutely not present in China.







Platinum Member

Rank: 3Rank: 3

Post time 2018-5-16 00:10:03 | Show all posts
Edited by AJB at 2018-5-16 03:02 \n\n
jarda.p replied at 2018-4-10 00:52
Edited by jarda.p at 2018-4-10 00:53 \n\nTo UMI admin:
Do you know, what would be the best for us? Unlock the phone for the root option, and the community would advise with what you probably can not solve. I do not believe that your technical support resolutions of the shortcomings will ever come to us. I have convinced myself with the model Plus, that I have owned so far...
Enable root and release codes to increase device popularity. This is an age-old practice. Or release the pure Android 7. Or is it such a big problem? I don´t think so. The locked phone is OK, if it does not have a faults, but it´s not this case. This phone has great hardware parameters for the money, but is really depreciated by software...

Reference: Unbearable state of affairs with the smartphones Umidigi Z1 Pro (unfinished Umidigi OS, Efuse protection) and S2 Pro (Umidigi OS, Efuse Protection)

It seems the reason 360 OS Team not go further with work on this unfinished Umidigi-OS 2.0  is of a buisiness nature: Software Problems 360 OS.

You will know this: World-wide thausends of buyers are bitterly disappointed (so I, too, S2 Pro, Efuse) on that inacceptable matter considerung that unconvenient state of affairs - for months awaiting finish these phones unfinished Efuse protectioned Umidigi-0S 2.0 and then got nothing.

Some of us all bitterly dissapointed buyers of that unfinished phones are hobby software developers; they would like to work on this on their own (!) costs, creating a stock rom for us all; 360 0S Team could be so generously compassionate to give us the information how to bypass (Bootmanager? Passwords?) Efuse protection of these two unfinished Umidigi-OS devices Z1 Pro and S2 Pro.

We would overgratefully appreciate such unique high-mindedness and we would never forget this.

I will send email request to 360 OS Team today on that case. You all could do this on your own, if you want to, too. And you too, moderator bencebacsi.

If 360 OS Team will respond to my email request, I will tell it here.

Personally - for my part - I am pleased with the knowlegde that Umidigi now works with Lineage OS Team. Good luck with this!








Platinum Member

Rank: 3Rank: 3

Post time 2018-6-3 21:29:43 | Show all posts
bencebacsi replied at 2018-5-31 11:46
Dear users,
Yesterday's news: A stock (not UMI OS) Android 8.1 upgrade for UMIDIGI S2 Pro is being d ...

that sounds good at first sight. on second sight i would have immediately a question: will there be a software stock camera app included which makes real use of the second rear camera lens which allegedly is supposed to be functional but so far doesn't make any difference wether in picture quality nor in bokeh/portrait mode? as you and i and many other users perfectly are aware: a second lens which is really integrated and recognized by the phone's hardware to be processed accordingly, then a correct software for the stock camera app should be able to produce same portrait/bokeh shots as e.g. a XIAOMI Mi A1 which has rear cameras main 12MP and second 5MP (exactly like S2 PRO). even if second lens is interpolated to 5MP it's enough to produce the "dephth-of-field" calculation necessary to create the realistic portrait or bokeh effect.
i look forward to your corresponding info if available with greatest interest.







New Member

Rank: 1

Post time 2018-7-26 14:34:22 | Show all posts
Sein wir doch mal ehrlich, ein Hilfe für das UMI OS wird es nicht geben. Wenn ein Hersteller wie UMIDIGI so naiv ist und sein Betriebssystem durch Fremdfirmen erstellen lässt ohne sich dabei abzusichern und nicht einmal den Zugang zum Eigenen Betriebssystem  besitzt (Keyschlüssel), dann ist das nicht nur ein Fehler sondern naiv dumm. UMIDIGI in ein Billig Handy Hersteller und genauso behandelt er auch seine Kunden, mit der Einstellung „ ihr müsst doch wissen was ihr da gekauft habt“. In Europa nennt man das Betrug am Kunden. Das geht schon dabei los dass die genannten  Geräteangaben nicht stimmen, ein völlig unbrauchbares Betriebssystem verwendet wird bis hin zu einem nicht akzeptablen Kundenservice. UMIDIGI denk mal darüber nach und lass deine Kunde die dich mit dem Kauf Deiner Handys finanziert nicht alleine.

Mit freundlichen Grüßen







Diamond Member

Rank: 4

Post time 2018-2-5 21:57:50 | Show all posts
Why Android security patch level is from November? In previous version that was the same.
 Author| Post time 2018-2-5 22:48:27 | Show all posts
ramzio13 replied at 2018-2-5 21:57
Why Android security patch level is from November? In previous version that was the same.

Not always all components get updated.







Diamond Member

Rank: 4

Post time 2018-2-5 23:15:40 | Show all posts
Edited by ramzio13 at 2018-2-5 23:21 \n\n
bencebacsi replied at 2018-2-5 22:48
Not always all components get updated.

Ben, why it's highly recommended for first flash with basic ROM to firmware upgrade? I used Download Only and not cleared userdata partition with 20180117 ROM and soft is good (only clearing apps from RAM and notifications not work like it should).
Will it be the same when I flash firmware with Download Only option and do factory reset?







Senior Member

Rank: 2

Post time 2018-2-6 02:10:20 | Show all posts
Edited by blinky at 2018-2-6 02:11 \n\n
esdes17_3 replied at 2018-2-6 00:15
Can we have some detail about the minor bug fixes ?
i have the previous rom and i don't want to chan ...

There's no noticeable difference with the new firmware But it is easy to flash without loosing your apps ect ect,(Select download only in the flash tool & uncheck the user dater tab at the bottom)

I'm having the same bugs with notifications skype,facebook messenger notifications never come on the phone

Facebook app will only load 1 out of 10 times if your lucky and if it does open it can take over 2 min to open

all happen on the official and Unofficial rom







Senior Member

Rank: 2

Post time 2018-2-6 02:27:56 | Show all posts
there is a problem with my  s2 pro i dont get notification from youtube or any app please fix it
 Author| Post time 2018-2-6 05:13:34 | Show all posts
ramzio13 replied at 2018-2-5 23:15
Edited by ramzio13 at 2018-2-5 23:21 \n\n
Ben, why it's highly recommended for first flash with bas ...

I just highly recommended, it's not an obligatory to flash the basic rom in firmware upgrade mode for the first time. Some of my tests showed system instability after flashing it on a full rom in download only mode, but that doesn't always happen. The too strict RAM management and the notification bug of the SystemUI app (that manages the notification bar) is generally an issue of all ROM releases, it's not related to the basic edition. Hopefully once it will be fixed.
 Author| Post time 2018-2-6 05:17:29 | Show all posts
esdes17_3 replied at 2018-2-6 00:15
Can we have some detail about the minor bug fixes ?
i have the previous rom and i don't want to chan ...

I'm sorry but I don't know further details about the minor bug fixes. If you are already familiar with spft, it needs just a few minutes to update your phone without risking your existing user data.
 Author| Post time 2018-2-6 05:24:36 | Show all posts
Droidy replied at 2018-2-6 02:27
there is a problem with my  s2 pro i dont get notification from youtube or any app please fix it

Only the notification bar suffers from bugs but with proper settings you can get at least sound and LED notifications of each app.
1. Go to 'Settings --> Permission Management --> App startup management' and make all of your messaging apps allowed. Also add them to the 'Screen-off cleaning whitelist'.
2. Go to 'Settings --> Battery' and select 'Regular Power Saving' mode. Also open the 'Active apps after screen lock' page and make your messaging apps selected.







Senior Member

Rank: 2

Post time 2018-2-6 07:11:41 | Show all posts
Hi, check out this viñedo if you want to flash it. Very esay and great to follow it: https://youtu.be/YvE1C6XTm1c
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