Edited by alex2021 at 2021-2-7 00:41
I bought A7 Pro 64GB on Aliexpress, and recently it stopped loading, so I decided to flash it. I connected the phone to the PC, found the Mediatek PreLoader USB VCOM port, then launched the SP Flash Tool, selected the scatter from the firmware folder, and it was successfully flashed.
I turn on the device - there are no signs of life, and then I saw that I was flashing the 128Gb version (UMIDIGI A7 PRO 128GB EEE V1.4_20201025 ROMSOFT + OTA).
I wanted to flash the normal version for 64Gb, but now when connecting to a PC, only the MTK USB Port is visible, through which the firmware process does not even begin. Various tricks with clamping the Volume+ or Volume-when connecting the phone to a PC (to switch it to testpoint mode) do not help to see the Mediatek PreLoader USB VCOM, as suggested here - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xPBqUmzSYHE
Tell me, please, someone faced a similar problem? Is it possible to revive the phone? Thank you in advance.