Edited by arai at 2023-3-13 23:19
Thanks a lot for your help.
I have a Umidigi A13 Pro Max 5G, which started showing error message: "dm-verity corruption. Your device is corrupt. It can't be trusted and may not Press power button to continue. Or device will power off in 5s to try to boot". Apparently this was caused by me trying to test the DSU Loader that appears in the Developer Option.

I contacted the store where I bought it, but they didn't give objective answers. Then I contacted Umidigi and as it was taking so long to respond, I went to search the internet on my own and found this forum and this post. But I didn't have the "courage" to reflash.
So, Umidigi responded in a few days recommending consulting the community/forum for a possible solution (which I had already found).
That's what excited me to try to reflash. I confess that I was quite afraid of the procedure, because I already "lost" a Lenovo tablet by trying to reflash the wrong ROM.
But this time it worked! I had to try 3 times before it worked again. I disabled "Erase user data" on the first two attempts, which changed to "Download only" even though I marked it as "Firmware upgrade". In the third I left the option "Erase user data" checked and it worked.
And that error message no longer appears.
Thank you so much for your goodwill and effort to help others.
Muito obrigado pela ajuda de vocês.
Tenho um Umidigi A13 Pro Max 5G, que começou a apresentar mensagem de erro: "dm-verity corruption. Your device is corrupt. It can't be trusted and may not Press power button to continue. Or device will power off in 5s ao tentar dar boot". Aparentemente isso foi causado por eu tentar testar DSU Loader que aparece na Opção de Desenvolvedor.
Contatei a loja onde comprei, mas não deram respostas objetivas. Depois contatei a Umidigi e como estava demorando a responder, fui pesquisar por minha conta na internet e encontrei esse fórum e esse post. Mas não tive "coragem" de fazer reflash.
Então, a Umidigi respondeu em alguns dias recomendando consultar a comunidade/fórum para eventual solução (que eu já havia encontrado).
Foi o que ma animou a tentar reflash. Confesso que tive bastante medo do procedimento, pois já "perdi" um tablet Lenovo por tentar reflash de ROM errado.
But dessa vez deu certo! Tive que tentar por 3 vezes até voltar a funcionar. Eu desativava "Erase user data" nas duas primeiras tentativas, o que mudava para "Download only" apesar de eu marcar como "Firmware upgrade". Na terceira deixei marcada a opção "Erase user data" e funcionou.
E deixou de aparecer aquela mensagem de erro.
Muito obrigado pela boa vontade e esforço para ajudar os outros.