My Store is the UMI DIGI Store. They offered me a refund after sending the phone, but the carrier does not want to take my goods because there is a built-in battery. And again the cost is increased !!.
Thanks Hugo. Very fortunate that you bought the device from UMIDIGI store at least they offer full refund. But you still have to send the device back to China.
Thanks for your willingness. I know that, but it's difficult to return the phone back to China from our country. This UMIDIGI complication does not solve it anymore, and so the customer discourages us from buying anything from this manufacturer. :-(
Volevo capire una cosa... UMIDIGI ha mai emanato un comunicato ufficiale nel quale ammette l'errore? Oppure è tutto limitato a questo Forum? Inoltre volevo capire che valore ha la voce degli amministratori di questo Forum... Sono persone interne alla UMIDIGI oppure no?
Segundo o vendedor da banggood, não pode me reembolsar porque já tenho um mês de uso. Que merda, péssimo atendimento e ainda tenho que esperar eles me substituirem o celular, não compro mais nada da UMIDIGI, péssimo suporte aos seus cliente pelo erro deles mesmo... Lamentável ...
Is this now the big silence on the part of UMIDIGI?
I paid about 250 euros for scrap, which was caused by the manufacturer. It is a fact that I can not send the mobile phones to China because of valid security rules.
And now? Bad luck?
Is it so hard for the company UMIDIGI to compensate the few customers who have registered here in the forum for goodwill?
Maybe UMIDIGI has a trusted contact person in Germany where we can send the destroyed cell phones?
I am waiting for an answer and a reasonable suggestion from UMIDIGI. What damage are we talking about for UMIDIGI? 5000 or 10.000 Euro in total? Peanuts! It is unbelievable...