[Crystal 4/64GB] Information request from users of 4/64GB Crystal bricked after OTA update

bencebacsi Post time 2017-12-15 17:47:09 | Show all posts  Close [Copy link]
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Author: bencebacsi

[Crystal 4/64GB] Information request from users of 4/64GB Crystal bricked after OTA update

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 Author| Post time 2017-12-15 12:06:57 | Show all posts
fanales replied at 2017-12-14 18:26
good morning, thanks for your post,
I filled out the form,
in the bricked phone I had all my work  ...

I hope every self-conscious user continuously or at least frequently makes backups of his important user data. While we are really sorry for this case, the manufacturer can be responsible only for the hardware and the system software installed on it.
Our official retailers are already ready to refund the full price of all defective devices bricked by the latest OTA update. Please contact your seller to negotiate about the further details.
 Author| Post time 2017-12-15 12:08:02 | Show all posts
SandovalSantos replied at 2017-12-14 18:23
Great, I just want my refund.

Please contact your seller. Our official retailers are already ready to refund the purchase price of all devices that got defective by the last OTA update.
 Author| Post time 2017-12-15 12:09:13 | Show all posts
hugo replied at 2017-12-14 20:46
Hello, thank you for the information, I sent the information and I hope the solution will be to my s ...

I'm sorry but if you haven't made a backup of your data, there's no way to recover it from your dead phone.
 Author| Post time 2017-12-15 12:11:49 | Show all posts
KassioCard replied at 2017-12-14 22:25
Obrigado, pelo pronunciamento. Já era tempo.
Pois bem, como eu e outros usuários de Umidigi,
usamo ...

Our official retailers are already aware of this situation and they are ready to refund the full price of all bricked by OTA update UMIDIGI Crystals. Please contact your seller as soon as possible.
 Author| Post time 2017-12-15 12:13:08 | Show all posts
pilepalle replied at 2017-12-15 05:39
Hallo, ich habe eben auch das Formular ausgefüllt. Bin schon sehr traurig. Mir wäre es am liebsten ...

We are really sorry for your inconvenience. Please contact your seller and you can request a replacement rather than refunding your payment.
 Author| Post time 2017-12-15 12:14:46 | Show all posts
smartrule replied at 2017-12-15 07:06
Also submitted.  How about upgrading us to a better and more stable model? We were constantly delaye ...

In this case you can request a full refund or a new device of the same kind. We don't have another but better model like this.







New Member

Rank: 1

Post time 2017-12-15 14:37:25 | Show all posts
Seller newer return money, you need to reseend it in China for your money, and wait what???!!! And I lost all my information...Best Company, buy Umidigi!







Senior Member

Rank: 2

Post time 2017-12-15 15:53:53 | Show all posts
Do we have to pay to return the phones to china??? thats like 40euros!!!! I think we shouldnt pay for return the bricked phones







New Member

Rank: 1

Post time 2017-12-15 16:56:44 | Show all posts
Good morning,
it's scandalous for a serious company to handle the problem as you are managing it.
I bought and paid a phone two months ago that already is not the most of technology ,after two months because of a corrupt update issued by you broke.
now to change it the seller ask me to pay further shipping costs and who knows how much time will pass before receiving the new phone since it is not shipped by express courier (DHL, UPS, etc.) but with ordinary mail ..
I would have expected from a serious company as yours an immediate return with express courier,  Without costs for the customer, that in this case has no fault, maybe even adding something more as an excuse and not just words like you did.
About the back up; I can not make a back up every 10 minutes thinking that your phone will break from a moment to the other nor doing an official ota update.
Never heard something like this, not even by Less- known companies than yours.
Umidigi is responsible of ota update
Thank you for your interest,
have a nice day.









Senior Member

Rank: 2

Post time 2017-12-15 17:47:09 | Show all posts
Dear bencebacsi/UMIDIGI,

I have two bricked UMIDIGI Crystal's. One from Aliexpress and one from Banggood. Aliexpress wants the broken phone back to China.

Today I tried to send the mobile phone to China with DHL, DPD and UPS.

It is not possible to send the mobile phone!!!

It is a dangerous good! They don't take it! The regulations do not allow it!
The problem is the built-in battery.

And now?

I want my money back for two phones!

Best regards
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