That directive (I opened the original dicument) is about separetely shipped batteries, not about factory assembled electronic devices with built-in batteries.
This is not true! In the meantime I guess you want kidding me!?

https://www.dhl.de/content/dam/i ... tversand-052017.pdf
There you can read again that it is not permissible.
Another side were you can read it. As a private Person it is not possible to send for example a Phone with build in battery to China, as a company it is much easier. So you can from Germany Transglobal Express. They have the possibility to send it for a private person as a company for 66,85 Euro. If the seller don't take the package, because of duty and tax it will come back to Germany and I have also to pay it.
What is so complicate for you to understand this? You can say 1000 times that it works, it doesn't work!!!
Last time: It is not possible to send a phone from Germany with build in battery with registred mail!!! It is illegal!!! They check and scan it and it will come back! What is the problem to understand this.
I do not care what you can send as a company from China to Germany! It does not help me!