4GB crystal, 20170929 firmware updated, still some issues:
- Display refresh rate is still only 49hz, not 60hz like 2GB version.
- Quick boot option still missing in settings, it's there on the 2GB version.
- Scrolling lag still present, the play store is the most obvious example
- Auto focus is still very poor, sometimes the camera will not auto focus even when explicitly told to by a third party camera app.
- The top camera is still unused, covering it still makes absolutely no difference when taking pictures - even using "bokeh". Can you confirm that the top camera sensor is fake?
- GPS is still very unreliable, incredibly difficult to get or maintain a lock
- Compass is wildly inaccurate, even when the phone is not moving, the compass will randomly move, sometimes spin to a completely different direction
- Could you disable the fake gyroscope? Some apps trust the phone when it says it has a gyroscope, making them unusable as they assume the gyro data is reliable. Or at least give an option to turn off the fake gyroscope. |