I could translate the Chinese only resources of the other flasher app, called QGPD.
QGPD: QGDP_Assembly_V3.1.8._portable.rar
ROM file: UMIDIGI_CNOTE2_7.0.025.P1.1707251413.5501L.VZ_YM_5501L_OE.NOEFUSE.rar
1. Extract both the flasher and the ROM file
2. In its folder run the QGPD tool by double clicking on QGDP_assembly.exe
3. Set the language to English and input ase as password. So the password is: ase
4. Click on the Config button and brows for the CPB file. That's your ROM file. (You don't have to select a log server address)
5. Click on Apply and wait until the content of the CPB file gets extracted. The Config window will get closed automatically.
6. Click on the Scan Port button at the top of the main window. A new sub-window will pop-up
7. Click on the 'Scan port' button in the sub-window
8. Press and hold the volume-down button of your phone and connect it to USB - Your phone must be powered off. (As soon as your port gets added to the list, release the vol-down button or your phone will boot into factory mode)
9. Click on the save button and disconnect the USB cable.
10. Now click on the Start button, then quickly connect your phone to USB again while pressing its vol-down button. As soon as the flashing process gets started (the Cell 0 icon will turn into a yellow down-arrow), release the vol-down button and wait until the flashing process gets finished.
From this point I can't help you without a UMI OS device in hand, so I wish you a good luck. After a successful flashing, remove the USB cable and you should be able to boot up your phone. Now you may close the flasher app (first click on the Stop button or it will keep waiting for another device to flash), and the extracted resources will be automatically deleted. The CPB file won't be deleted, of course.
Please let me know about the result.