Hi, had the reboot problem with _20170605, after manual OTA update that's solved now, basically all working fine: generally fast and smooth, no status bar scroll-down , mobile connection is fine, no problems with Bluetooth, battery life isn't great but o.k., camera performance a bit weaker than on 6.x but o.k. for my taste and expectations and haven't tested really much, no WiFi problems, actually on my home WiFi it's super fast, sometimes get connection speeds of around 430Mbits - does it support AC although not mentioned in specs? (That would be something new).
So far so good and thx UMI for the update BUT I've got the ring tone failures and what's more: alarm also failed to ring yesterday, so I overslept. That's a no go! Luckily I didn't have a flight to catch as often is the case.
Furthermore got problems with TV streaming apps: Zattoo TV only working on Chromecast when I connect to it first, otherwise streams won't start and app crashes. Tried a previous app version which didn't help.
Similar problem with German 'ZDF Mediathek' app, sometimes streams won't start and app freezes, can only be solved (sometimes) by rebooting.
@Ben: thx for uploading the ROMs and your support. Could I revert to the latest 6.x version by manual OTA method safely?
Thx and rgds