Edited by flledo at 2017-7-18 01:56 \n\nA question:
You that are Administrator, can me say if the UMIDIGI Z1 pro allready is in to street?
I bought the 22 of jun in Efoxtienda.com one unit y they said that from 30 of jun start it to send, after they said that between 2 and 5 days ( 2 weeks ago or more and I still do not know anything ).
You can give me any information?
Thank you very much
flledo replied at 2017-7-17 00:19
Edited by flledo at 2017-7-18 01:56 \n\nA question:
You that are Administrator, can me say if the U ...
As far as I know the first batch (1000 pcs.) of the Z1 Pro has been sold out, so now it's backordered at most sellers. The next batch is expected to be available from the first days of August.
Then you're telling me that UMI is going to deliver batches of 1000 in 1000 units?
Because if so, I think I will try to cancel the order since I can not be waiting more than a year for me to touch.
Thank you very much by your information.
bencebacsi .... i try to install ota update .... but is impossible install ... when phone restart after download file ... on screen I have "error" after 2 minute restart ... now i have v1.2_20170510 ...
mzz replied at 2017-7-20 16:13
bencebacsi .... i try to install ota update .... but is impossible install ... when phone restart af ...
I as well installed the update and it also gave me problems.
My advice is that you make a complete installation of the V1.2_20170703 (last rom) with SP Flashtools (make backup of your applications and data before) and works very well. I have not any problems.
bencebacsi ... Thanks and sorry for the delay .... but I could only try it today ....
With unmount memory ... always "error" and after on minute in recovery "error in update.zip"
Another question I have memory formatted as internal memory ... what is the fastest way to save data in SD on a computer so that it can go back to using sd memory as an external memory?