Hey bencebacsi i hope you could give a quick response to this post.
In most cases i am very satisfied with the new update.
I have 3 wishes for the devellopper team
1. The camera quality all in all could be better with the IMX258
2. Everyone wants to have the auto focus in the stock camera app. In secondary camera apps it wokrs prperly, so i think the engineers could implment this function easily
3. Some pictures are not detected by the gallery
4. Is there a possibility to create a function that combines the results of both cameras and i don't mean like in the bokeh mode to get unsharp results in the background. Just to get bright, colourful an sharp pictures. Now it uses eather the coulour sensor, oder the monocromatic one. They should be able to work together.
Hopefully you could report this to you engineers
Best regards  |